Sunday 10 July 2016

The Qur’an:
Socio-economic justice and the Akhira (Living Islam 2014)

(Speaker:Professor Farid Esack)
Many Muslims committed to a contemporary appreciation of Islam feel awkward about discussing the akhirah and prefer to let the matter slide deep into the back of their minds. This session looks at the relationship between the akhirah and the demands of justice, particularly as reflected in some of the shorter Meccan Surahs.
(Recorded at the Living Islam Festival, UK

The Christian Prophets (Living Islam 2014)

(Speaker:Shaykh Akram Nadwi)
Shaykh Akram argues powerfully that the Christian Prophets Zakaria, Jesus and John have more relevance for us in Britain than any other. And asks, was Mary a Prophet?
(Recorded at the Living Islam Festival, UK

Are we facing a crisis in masculinity? (Living Islam 2014)

(Speaker:Imam Suhaib Webb)
Are we facing a crisis of identity for men across the Western world? There are seemingly no defined roles anymore - is that a good thing, and are men coping? Do Muslims have the opposite problem? How can both men and women work together to achieve real equality? And how can we demonstrate that support for women’s rights does not necessarily mean that masculinity is at risk?
(Recorded at the Living Islam Festival, UK

In conversation with Dr Rowan Williams (Living Islam 2014)

(Speakers:Dr Rowan Williams with Sughra Ahmed)
Not to be missed - an intimate audience with former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams. As one of
the highest religious authorities in the country, his unique perspective on faith in the public space is essential listening.
(Recorded at the Living Islam Festival, UK

Do Muslim women FEEL equal? (Living Islam 2014)

(Speakers:Myriam Francois Cerrah, Sara Khan, Laura McDonald, Usama Hasan)
An honest exploration of female rights and equalities
in today’s world. As much as Islam may have provided freedoms in the past, we are definitely lagging behind now. Can we take back the mantle of being revolutionary feminists?
(Recorded at the Living Islam Festival, UK

Developing a better parent-child relationship (Living Islam 2014)

(Speakers:Kathleen Roche-Nagi,
Dr Haseena Lockhat, Maarya Abwat-Johnson)
In this interactive workshop session we will introduce
the concept of positive Islamic role modelling and the importance of effective communication. You will be introduced to techniques to reduce unwanted behaviour in children.
(Recorded at the Living Islam Festival, UK

What do
 British Values look like and is there room for Muslims? (Living Islam 2014)

(Speaker:Dr Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury)
Will “Muslim” values ever be regarded as synonymous with British ones? Hardly a month goes by without someone prominent saying British values and Islamic values are at odds with each other. Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams weighs in on the character of the country and gives his frank views on what British Muslims must do.
(Recorded at the Living Islam Festival, UK

Hadith: Searching for authenticity (Living Islam 2014)

(Speaker:Shaykh Akram Nadwi)
While the Qur’an is accepted as authentic scripture for Muslims and Orientalists alike, sometimes ahadith are criticized and rejected as a source of legal authority. How do we know for sure they are indeed the words of the Prophet? And why are they so important for understanding our faith?
(Recorded at the Living Islam Festival, UK

Gender Segregation in Islam (Living Islam 2014)

(Speaker:Ahtsham Ali)
Should there be segregation between the sexes in Muslim culture? Where did it come from? Ahtsham Ali has looked deeply into the issue and goes through the evidence to conclude that all is not as it seems.
(Recorded at the Living Islam Festival, UK

Defining a British Islam (Living Islam 2014)

(Speakers:Mohammad Siddique Seddon, Tehmina Kazi, Imam Asim Hafiz)
There is a quite distinct South Asian Islam, a clear Middle Eastern Islam – but what should a British Islam look like culturally? Is it scones and tea at 4pm, queuing up politely and writing strongly worded letters of complaint? And how does that affect how we interact with institutions, such as the army?
(Recorded at the Living Islam Festival, UK

Civil Liberties – Must we sacrifice some of our freedoms to safeguard our security? (Living Islam 2014)

(Speakers:Dr Rizwaan Sabir, Dr Laura Zahra McDonald)
From NSA snooping to Bills being rushed through Parliament to enable police to retain and intercept online histories. Britain seems in danger of losing many of its privacy rights
– and Muslims are on the sharp end of this. But with young people joining ISIS and the murder of Lee Rigby – is it justified?
(Recorded at the Living Islam Festival, UK

Can Muslims debate without taking it personally? (Living Islam 2014)

(Speakers:Shaykh Ruzwan Mohammad,
Dr Usama Hasan, Myriam Francois Cerrah)
Have we lost the art of arguing a point without taking it personally? How should we respond if an academic/ scholar puts forward a theory we vehemently disagree with?
(Recorded at the Living Islam Festival, UK

Are our scholars failing us? (Living Islam 2014)

(Speakers: Abdal Hakim Murad, Imam Abdul Latif Finch, Dr Shuruq Naquib)

What is the purpose of a scholar, and are they living up to the expectations? Are they relevant to modern life? And are they failing as moral leaders when it comes to injustice, tyranny and religious backwardness?

(Recorded at the Living Islam Festival, UK

Monday 16 May 2016

Press Regulation (Living Islam 2014)

Brian Cathcart, Sunder Katwala, Merryl Wyn Davies
If the press were regulated in the way Ofcom regulates TV would it mean greater responsibility in stories from newspaper bosses? Is press regulation something that Muslims, often on the sticky end of headlines, be campaigning for? Or is a free press, including its ability to offend, something that should be supported no matter what?
(Recorded at the Living Islam Festival, UK